Sunday, September 18, 2022

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Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Penyusun : 1. Ana Kurniawati 04 2. Devy Hasiananda S. Lathifatul Hanifah M. Silvia Mei 30 2. Silvia Mei 30 3. Microsoft PowerPoint Standar Kopetensi: Mengenal perangkat keras dan sistem yang digunakan dalam program presentasi. Kopetensi Dasar: Mengidentisifikasi menu dan icon pada perangkat lunak pengolah presentasi. Mengaktifkan Microsoft PowerPoint 2. Lembar kerja Microsoft PowerPoint 3. Fungsi tools dari Microsoft PowerPoint 4.

Menyimpan dokumen Microsoft PowerPoint 5. Menutup presentasi 6. Sebagai contoh saya memilih Title And Content, perhatikan gambar dibawah. Ribbon tabs dalam Ms. PowerPoint untuk slide Anda. Anda bisa melihatnya secara normal, slide sorter, notes page, dan slide show.

Selain itu Anda juga dapat membuat slide Master sesuai dengan desain yang Anda inginkan. Evaluasi I. Pilihan Ganda 1. Fungsi dari Microsoft Power Point adalah…. Program Pengolah kata B. Program Basis data C. System Operasi D. Program Presentasi 2. Untuk Menampilkan atau menjalankan file presentasi adalah Klik Save As D.

Langkah pertama membuat file baru presentasi adalah Klik New File B. Klik Open File C. Klik Print Preview 4. Toolbar untuk membatalkan Perintah adalah Cut B. Paste C. Undo D. Redo 5. Perintah Untuk Menyimpan File adalah File Close B. File Open C. File Save D. File New 6. Toolbar yang berisi Mencetak file, Mengkopi file, menyimpan file disebut toolbar Toolbar Standar B.

Toolbar Formating C. Toolbar Drawing D. Perintah menambah slide baru A. Insert New Slide B. File New C. File Open D. Insert Slide Number 8. Disebuat apa file presentasi yang dicetak lebih dari satu slide dalam satu halaman A. Maximize Berfungsi untuk membesarkan maximize ukuran window Excel.

Close Berfungsi untuk menutup window Excel. Indikator Cell Aktif Menunjukkan cell yang sedang aktif. Name Box Menunjukkan nama cell yang aktif. Formula Bar Berisi data ataupun formula yang terdapat dalam satu cell. Scrollbar Horizontal Berfungsi untuk menggeser tampilan worksheet secara horizontal. Scrollbar Vertikal Berfungsi untuk menggeser tampilan worksheet secara vertikal.

Sheet Tab Berisi beberapa worksheet yang terdapat dalam satu workbook. Page View Buttons Untuk mengubah tampilan worksheet. Zoom Control Untuk mengatur zoom pada worksheet akan diperbesar atau diperkecil. Seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya bahwa tiap worksheet terdiri atas banyak cell dan tiap cell tersebut telah dikodekan berdasarkan baris 1…,1,, , dan kolom A.. Kode kolom ditulis terlebih dahulu kemudian diikuti dengan kode baris, sebagai contoh A11 kolom ke-1, baris ke , Z25 kolom ke, baris ke , dan sebagainya.

Dalam setiap worksheet yang aktif akan selalu terdapat minimal satu cell yang aktif. Cell yang aktif 3 ini dapat diketahui dari garis border-nya yang lebih gelap dibanding yang lain. Daftar dan fungsi tombol pada keyboard yang dapat digunakan dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut. Panah Kanan Berpindah satu cell ke kanan.

Panah Atas Berpindah satu cell ke atas. Panah Bawah Berpindah satu cell ke bawah. PgUp Berpindah ke atas satu layar. PgDn Berpindah ke bawah satu layar. Sedangkan jika menggunakan mouse Anda cukup mengklik suatu cell, maka secara otomatis cell tersebut akan menjadi aktif. Tombol scroll pada mouse dapat digunakan untuk menggeser tampilan layar pada worksheet ke atas atau ke bawah. Secara sederhana dapat dikatakan bahwa ribbon merupakan kumpulan dari commandcommand yang fungsinya saling berkaitan.

Dengan demikian, command yang terdapat dalam ribbon dapat bervariasi tergantung tab yang dipilih. Adapun pengelompokan ribbon tersebut adalah sebagai berikut. Home Berisi command-command yang umum digunakan, yaitu Clipboard untuk menjalankan perintah copy, cut, dan paste; Font untuk mengubah jenis, ukuran, dan warna font, membuat cetak tebal, miring, garis bawah; Alignment untuk membuat rata kiri, kanan, dan tengah; Number untuk mengatur format number; Styles untuk mengatur tampilan cell; Cells untuk mengatur format cell, menambah dan menghapus cell tertentu; Editing untuk melakukan proses perhitungan sum, average, count numbers, max, min, pengurutan dan penyaringan data.

Ribbon Home 2. Insert Dugunakan untuk menyisipkan sesuatu ke dalam worksheet, baik berupa gambar, file, grafik, tabel, dan lain-lain. Command-command yang terdapat di dalamnya adalah Table untuk membuat tabel dan pivot table; Illustrations untuk menambah gambar, clip art, shape, dan smart art ke dalam worksheet; Charts untuk membuat grafik; Links untuk membuat hubungan dengan file lain; Text untuk melakukan manipulasi teks dengan membuat header, footer, menambah word art, dan lain-lain.

Ribbon Insert 3. Page Layout Digunakan untuk mengatur properties worksheet termasuk setting printer. Command-command yang terdapat di dalamnya yaitu Themes untuk menambahkan efek theme yang ada pada Excel ; Page Setup untuk mengatur tampilan kertas seperti margin dan ukuran kertas; Scale to Fit untuk mengatur ukuran baris dan kolom serta skala; Sheet Options untuk mengatur tampilan worksheet; Arrange untuk menyusun tampilan shape yang ada pada worksheet.

Ketika anda meletakan beberapa toolbar pada baris yang sama, mungkin tidak akan tersedia cukup ruang untuk menampilkan seluruh tombol. Jika tidak tersedia ruang, maka yang akan ditampilkan adalah tombol yang terakhir anda gunakan. Anda dapat mengatur toolbar dan menampilkan seluruh tombol pada suatu toolbar. Untuk melihat tombol yang tidak termuat pada toolbar, Klik Toolbar Option atau yang terdapat dibagian akhir toolbar. Secara otomatis, biasanya pada saat Anda mengaktifkan Ms.

Power Point, toolbar yang aktif adalah tool bar Standard, Formating dan Drawing , tetapi Anda dapat menambah dan mengurangi Toolbar tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Cara untuk menambah dan mengurangi toolbar adalah sebagai berikut: Cara pertama adalah dengan mengklik kanan bagian kosong pada toolbar sehingga muncul gambar disamping. Selanjutnya anda dapat mengklik salah satu toolbar untuk mengaktifkan atau menghilangkan. Cara kedua adalah dengan mengikuti langkah sebagai berikut: a. Klik Menu View b. Sorot Toolbars c. Setelah muncul pilihan toolbar, klik menu yang akan ditampilkan atau dihilangkan. Tanda Checklist menandakan toolbar telah aktif. Power Point XP, yaitu : normal view, slide shorter view, dan slide show view.

Normal View Normal View adalah tampilan editing utama yang Anda gunakan untuk menulis dan mendesain sebuah presentasi. Tampilan ini mempunyai tiga area kerja utama: dibagian kiri, tab-tab yang merupakan alternatif antara penampilan slide dalam bentuk paragraf outline Tab dan sebagai thumbnail Slides Tab ; di bagian kanan, Slide pane yang menampilkan slide yang sedang Anda kerjakan; dan di bawah, Notes Pane yang menyediakan tempat untuk catatan-catatan yang ingin anda buat mengenai slide yang sedang Anda buat.

Ketika anda selesai membuat dan mengedit presentasi, slide shorter view memberi anda tampilan keseluruhan dari presentasi Anda tersebut — membuat slide mudah diatur, ditambah,atau dihilangkan dan menampilkan efek peralihan dan animasi yang telah Anda buat. Slide Show View Slide show view mengambil seluruh layar untuk tampilannya. Pada tampilan ini Anda melihat presentasi Anda dalam bentuk yang sama dengan yang dilihat audience, Anda dapat melihat grafik, pengaturan waktu, film, elemen animasi, dan efek transisi akan nampak pada presentasi sesuangguhnya.

Menutup Power Point jika Anda sudah menyelesaikan dokumen presentasi, Anda dapat menutup dokumen tersebut dengan cara sebagai berikut : 1. Klik menu File 2. Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue is a standard platform game controlled from a third-person perspective. The game also features many of the original characters such as Hamm, Rex, Slinky and Mr. Upon completing these tasks you are rewarded with a Pizza Planet token that allows you to progress to more difficult levels.

Most of the enemies in the game are not seen in the movie excluding some bosses and are placed throughout the levels anywhere and everywhere.

Some enemies have different abilities than others which include jumping, flying, firing projectiles, and blocking. Buzz Lightyear is equipped with a few different attacks and powers to defeat enemies and progress through levels and the challenges they bring.

Buzz has a basic laser attack that fires a single projectile from his arm that damages the enemy. This attack can be charged up by holding the attack button to deal greater damage.

Buzz also has a spinning attack that hits enemies with his pop-out wings and can also be used to deflect some enemy projectiles. Similar to the laser attack, the spin attack can be charged to spin for a longer duration, although the charged spin attack leaves Buzz vulnerable by being stunned momentarily after the spinning. This move will be needed in later levels, as some enemies and bosses do not take damage from the laser.

In the first level of every zone, Mr. Potato Head will appear with one of his body parts missing. If you find that body part, he will reward you with a power-up that is permanently unlocked and can be used in other levels that have that power-up available. These power-ups can help Buzz progress through the game in different ways by making some obstacles, tasks and challenges easier or possible.

The power-ups are the Cosmic Shield that protects you from damage and hazardous materials, the Disc Launcher that helps defeat tough enemies in hard-to-reach places, the Rocket Boots that make Buzz move really fast to complete daunting tasks, the Grappling Hook to reach high places and lastly the Hover Boots that make Buzz float for a few moments to reach high places.

There are fifteen levels in the game see below. These levels are grouped into five zones three levels per zone that consist of two levels that require tasks to be completed and one level that has a boss to be defeated. At first, only one level is available but the player can unlock more levels by collecting Pizza Planet tokens. Each level starts with a FMV scene taken from the movie except from the Nintendo 64 version—its low-capacity cartridge system meant that these movies were replaced with comic-strip type, cut-scenes.

In each level, there are five Pizza Planet tokens that the player can collect. The player must collect at least one token to unlock the subsequent level. These tasks get more difficult and complicated as you progress through the game. As stated before, Mr. Potato Head appears in certain levels offering the chance to unlock a power-up.



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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support.

Please go here to search for your product's lifecycle. Office ProPlus has been renamed to Microsoft Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.

Office has reached the end of its support lifecycle, meaning there are no new security updates, non-security updates, free or paid assisted support options, or online technical content updates. Customers who are using Office products and services should move to Office or upgrade to the most recent version of Office. Microsoft recommends that customers migrate to current product versions before the support end dates. This lets them take advantage of the latest product innovations and ensure uninterrupted support from Microsoft.

We encourage customers to evaluate transitioning to Office with the help of their Microsoft representatives or technology partner. Resources to help you upgrade your Office servers and clients. Office Retirement. Microsoft FastTrack services are available with an Microsoft Apps for enterprise subscription. These services can help customers move to Office smoothly and with confidence, and allow them to realize business value more quickly.

Customers can discover what's possible, plan for successful rollouts, and enable new users and capabilities at their own pace. Other benefits include best practices, tools, resources, and experts who are committed to making the customer experience with Office a success.

Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents.

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The temporary formatting is removed when the mouse pointer is moved from the button. This allows users to have a preview of how the option would affect the appearance of the object, without actually applying it. The new Mini Toolbar is a small toolbar with basic formatting commands that appears within the document editing area, much like a context menu.

When the mouse selects part of the text, Mini Toolbar appears close to selected text. It remains semi-transparent until the mouse pointer is hovered on it, to avoid obstructing what is underneath. Mini Toolbar is not customizable in Office , but can be turned off. It is customizable, although this feature is limited, compared to toolbars in previous Office versions. Any command available in the entire Office application can be added to the Quick Access toolbar , including commands not available on the ribbon as well as macros.

Keyboard shortcuts for any of the commands on the toolbar are also fully customizable, similar to previous Office versions. SmartArt, found under the Insert tab in the ribbon in PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and Outlook, is a new group of editable and formatted diagrams. There are preset SmartArt graphics layout templates in categories such as list, process, cycle, and hierarchy.

When an instance of a SmartArt is inserted, a Text Pane appears next to it to guide the user through entering text in the hierarchical levels. Each SmartArt graphic, based on its design, maps the text outline, automatically resized for best fit, onto the graphic.

There are a number of "quick styles" for each graphic that apply largely different 3D effects to the graphic, and the graphic's shapes and text can be formatted through shape styles and WordArt styles. In addition, SmartArt graphics change their colors, fonts, and effects to match the document's theme. Such files are saved using an extra X letter in their extension.

However, it can still save documents in the old format, which is compatible with previous versions. Alternatively, Microsoft has made available a free add-on known as the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack that lets Office , XP, and open, edit, and save documents created under the newer format. Files containing macros are saved with an extra M letter in their extension instead. However, due to legal objections from Adobe Systems , Office originally did not offer PDF support out of the box, but rather as a separate free download.

Office documents can also be exported as XPS documents. This is part of Service Pack 2 and prior to that, was available as a free plug-in in a separate download. Microsoft backs an open-source effort to support OpenDocument in Office , as well as earlier versions up to Office , through a converter add-in for Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and also a command-line utility. Section 8. Peter Amstein and the Microsoft Office team are reluctant to make liberal use of extension mechanisms, even though provided in ODF 1.

They want to avoid all appearance of an embrace-extend attempt. In Office , Microsoft introduced the Document Inspector , an integral metadata removal tool that strips Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents of information such as author name and comments and other "metadata".

In Microsoft Office , the Office Assistants were eliminated in favour of a new online help system. One of its features is the extensive use of Super Tooltips, which explain in about one paragraph what each function performs. Some of them also use diagrams or pictures. These appear and disappear like normal tooltips, and replace normal tooltips in many areas.

The Help content also directly integrates searching and viewing Office Online articles. Microsoft Office includes features geared towards collaboration and data sharing. As such, Microsoft Office features server components for applications such as Excel, which work in conjunction with SharePoint Services , to provide a collaboration platform.

NET 2. Excel server exposes Excel Services, which allows any worksheet to be created, edited and maintained via web browsers. It features Excel Web Access , the client-side component which is used to render the worksheet on a browser, Excel Calculation Service which is the server side component which populates the worksheet with data and perform calculations, and Excel Web Services that extends Excel functionalities into individual web services.

SharePoint can also be used to host Word documents for collaborative editing , by sharing a document. SharePoint can also be used to hold PowerPoint slides in a Slide Library , from which the slides can be used as a formatting template. It also notifies users of a slide automatically in case the source slide is modified. Also by using SharePoint, PowerPoint can manage shared review of presentations. Any SharePoint hosted document can be accessed from the application which created the document or from other applications such as a browser or Microsoft Office Outlook.

Microsoft Office also includes Groove , which brings collaborative features to a peer-to-peer paradigm. Groove can host documents, including presentations, workbooks and others, created in Microsoft Office application in a shared workspace, which can then be used in collaborative editing of documents. Groove can also be used in managing workspace sessions, including access control of the workspace.

To collaborate on one or more documents, a Workspace must be created, and then those who are to work on it must be invited. Any file shared on the workspace are automatically shared among all participants. The application also provides real-time messaging, including one-to-one as well as group messaging, and presence features, as well as monitoring workspace activities with alerts, which are raised when pre-defined set of activities are detected. Groove also provides features for conflict resolution for conflicting edits.

Schedules for a collaboration can also be decided by using a built-in shared calendar, which can also be used to keep track of the progress of a project. However, the calendar is not compatible with Microsoft Outlook. The Document Theme defines the colors, fonts and graphic effects for a document. Almost everything that can be inserted into a document is automatically styled to match the overall document theme creating a consistent document design.

The new Office Theme file format. Similar themes are also available for data reports in Access and Project or shapes in Visio. Quick Styles are galleries with a range of styles based on the current theme. There are quick styles galleries for text, tables, charts, SmartArt, WordArt and more. Microsoft Office Outlook can also include an optional Business Contact Manager included on a separate installation disc in Office Small Business and above which allows management of business contacts and their sales and marketing activities.

Phone calls, e-mails, appointments, notes and other business metrics can be managed for each contact. It can also keep a track of billable time for each contact on the Outlook Calendar. Based on these data, a consolidated report view can be generated by Microsoft Office Outlook with Business Contact Manager. The data can be further analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel. This data can also be shared using SharePoint Services.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server allows sharing and collaborative editing of Office documents. It allows central storage of documents and management of Office documents, throughout the enterprise. These documents can be accessed either by the applications which created them, Microsoft Office Outlook , or a web browser. Documents can also be managed through pre-defined policies that let users create and publish shared content, through a SharePoint site. SharePoint Server allows searching of all Office documents which are being managed by it, centrally, thereby making data more accessible.

It also provides access control for documents. Specialized server components can plug into the SharePoint Server to extend the functionality of the server, such as Excel Services exposing data analysis services for Excel services. Data from other data sources can also be merged with Office data. SharePoint also lets users personalize the SharePoint sites, filtering content they are interested in.

SharePoint documents can also be locally cached by clients for offline editing; the changes are later merged. Microsoft Office Forms Server allows InfoPath forms to be accessed and filled out using any browser, including mobile phone browsers. Forms Server also supports using a database or other data source as the back-end for the form. Additionally, it allows centralized deployment and management of forms.

Forms Server hosted forms also support data validation and conditional formatting, as does their InfoPath counterpart. It also supports advanced controls like Repeating section and Repeating table. However, some InfoPath controls cannot be used if it must be hosted on a Forms server.

Microsoft Office Groove Server is for centrally managing all deployments of Microsoft Office Groove in the enterprise. It enables using Active Directory for Groove user accounts, and create Groove Domains , with individual policy settings.

It allows Groove workspaces to be hosted at the server, and the files in the workspaces made available for collaborative editing via the Groove client. It also includes the Groove Server Data Bridge component to allow communication between data stored at both Groove clients and servers and external applications. Microsoft Office Project Server allows one to centrally manage and coordinate projects. It allows budget and resource tracking, and activity plan management.

The project data and reports can also be further analyzed using Cube Building Service. The project management data can be accessed from a browser as well. Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server allows creation of a project portfolio, including workflows, hosted centrally, so that the information is available throughout the enterprise, even from a browser. It also aids in centralized data aggregation regarding the project planning and execution, and in visualizing and analyzing the data to optimize the project plan.

It can also support multiple portfolios per project, to track different aspects of it. It also includes reporting tools to create consolidated reports out of the project data. Microsoft PerformancePoint Server allows users to monitor, analyze, and plan their business as well as drive alignment, accountability, and actionable insight across the entire organization.

It includes features for scorecards, dashboards, reporting, analytics, budgeting and forecasting, among others. Even though the ribbon can be hidden, PC World wrote that the new "ribbon" interface crowds the Office work area, especially for notebook users. As a result, users who were more familiar with the logic of the old menus would be somewhat frustrated with the new, more visually oriented ribbon.

The ribbon cannot be moved from the top to the side of the page, as floating toolbars could be. Some users with experience using previous versions of Microsoft Office have complained about having to find features in the ribbon.

Others state that having learnt to use the new interface, it has improved the speed with which "professional-looking" documents can be created.

Microsoft contractor Mike Gunderloy left Microsoft partially over his disagreement with the company's "sweeping land grab " including its attempt to patent the ribbon interface.

He says "Microsoft itself represents a grave threat to the future of software development through its increasing inclination to stifle competition through legal shenanigans. The new XML-based document file format in Microsoft Office is incompatible with previous versions of Microsoft Office unless an add-on is installed for the older version.

PC World has stated that upgrading to Office presents dangers to certain data, such as templates, macros, and mail messages. The new Word features for bibliographies only support a small number of fixed citation styles.

Using XSLT, new styles can be added. Some extra styles, such as the standard Association for Computing Machinery publication format, are made freely available by third parties. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Version of Microsoft Office.

These four programs make up the Home and Student edition. Service Pack 3 Main article: Ribbon computing. Main article: OpenDocument software. Main article: Microsoft Word. Main article: Microsoft Outlook. Main article: Microsoft Excel. Main article: Microsoft PowerPoint. Main article: Microsoft OneNote. Main article: Microsoft Access. Main article: Microsoft Publisher. Main article: Microsoft InfoPath. Main article: Microsoft Visio. Main article: Microsoft Project. Main article: Microsoft SharePoint Designer.

Access allows users to view and manipulate the SQL code if desired. Any Access table, including linked tables from different data sources, can be used in a query. Access also supports the creation of "pass-through queries". This enables users to interact with data stored outside the Access program without using linked tables or Jet.

When developing reports in "Design View" additions or changes to controls cause any linked queries to execute in the background and the designer is forced to wait for records to be returned before being able to make another change. This feature cannot be turned off. Non-programmers can use the macro feature to automate simple tasks through a series of drop-down selections.

Macros allow users to easily chain commands together such as running queries, importing or exporting data, opening and closing forms, previewing and printing reports, etc. Macros support basic logic IF-conditions and the ability to call other macros. Macros can also contain sub-macros which are similar to subroutines. In Access , enhanced macros included error-handling and support for temporary variables.

Access also introduced embedded macros that are essentially properties of an object's event. This eliminated the need to store macros as individual objects. However, macros were limited in their functionality by a lack of programming loops and advanced coding logic until Access With significant further enhancements introduced in Access , the capabilities of macros became fully comparable to VBA. They made feature rich web-based application deployments practical, via a greatly enhanced Microsoft SharePoint interface and tools, as well as on traditional Windows desktops.

It is similar to Visual Basic 6. To create a richer, more efficient and maintainable finished product with good error handling, most professional Access applications are developed using the VBA programming language rather than macros, except where web deployment is a business requirement. In the database container or navigation pane in Access and later versions, the system automatically categorizes each object by type e.

Many Access developers use the Leszynski naming convention , though this is not universal; it is a programming convention, not a DBMS-enforced rule. Developers deploy Microsoft Access most often for individual and workgroup projects the Access 97 speed characterization was done for 32 users.

Databases under 1 GB in size which can now fit entirely in RAM and simultaneous users are well within the capabilities of Microsoft Access. Disk-intensive work such as complex searching and querying take the most time. As data from a Microsoft Access database can be cached in RAM, processing speed may substantially improve when there is only a single user or if the data is not changing. In the past, the effect of packet latency on the record-locking system caused Access databases to run slowly on a virtual private network VPN or a wide area network WAN against a Jet database.

As of , [update] broadband connections have mitigated this issue. Performance can also be enhanced if a continuous connection is maintained to the back-end database throughout the session rather than opening and closing it for each table access. In July , Microsoft acknowledged an intermittent query performance problem with all versions of Access and Windows 7 and Windows Server R2 due to the nature of resource management being vastly different in newer operating systems.

In earlier versions of Microsoft Access, the ability to distribute applications required the purchase of the Developer Toolkit; in Access , and Access the "Runtime Only" version is offered as a free download, [44] making the distribution of royalty-free applications possible on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8. Microsoft Access applications can adopt a split-database architecture.

The single database can be divided into a separate "back-end" file that contains the data tables shared on a file server and a "front-end" containing the application's objects such as queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules.

The "front-end" Access application is distributed to each user's desktop and linked to the shared database. Using this approach, each user has a copy of Microsoft Access or the runtime version installed on their machine along with their application database.

This reduces network traffic since the application is not retrieved for each use. The "front-end" database can still contain local tables for storing a user's settings or temporary data. This split-database design also allows development of the application independent of the data.

One disadvantage is that users may make various changes to their own local copy of the application and this makes it hard to manage version control. When a new version is ready, the front-end database is replaced without impacting the data database. Microsoft Access has two built-in utilities, Database Splitter [46] and Linked Table Manager, to facilitate this architecture. Linked tables in Access use absolute paths rather than relative paths, so the development environment either has to have the same path as the production environment or a "dynamic-linker" routine can be written in VBA.

For very large Access databases, this may have performance issues and a SQL backend should be considered in these circumstances. To scale Access applications to enterprise or web solutions, one possible technique involves migrating to Microsoft SQL Server or equivalent server database.

A client—server design significantly reduces maintenance and increases security, availability, stability, and transaction logging. This feature was removed from Access A variety of upgrading options are available. The corresponding SQL Server data type is binary, with only two states, permissible values, zero and 1.

Regardless, SQL Server is still the easiest migration. Retrieving data from linked tables is optimized to just the records needed, but this scenario may operate less efficiently than what would otherwise be optimal for SQL Server. For example, in instances where multi-table joins still require copying the whole table across the network.

The views and stored procedures can significantly reduce the network traffic for multi-table joins. Finally, some Access databases are completely replaced by another technology such as ASP. NET or Java once the data is converted. Further, Access application procedures, whether VBA and macros, are written at a relatively higher level versus the currently available alternatives that are both robust and comprehensive.

Note that the Access macro language, allowing an even higher level of abstraction than VBA, was significantly enhanced in Access and again in Access In many cases, developers build direct web-to-data interfaces using ASP.

NET, while keeping major business automation processes, administrative and reporting functions that don't need to be distributed to everyone in Access for information workers to maintain. Microsoft Access applications can be made secure by various methods, the most basic being password access control; this is a relatively weak form of protection. A higher level of protection is the use of workgroup security requiring a user name and password.

Users and groups can be specified along with their rights at the object type or individual object level. This can be used to specify people with read-only or data entry rights but may be challenging to specify. A separate workgroup security file contains the settings which can be used to manage multiple databases. Databases can also be encrypted. MDE file. Some tools are available for unlocking and " decompiling ", although certain elements including original VBA comments and formatting are normally irretrievable.

Microsoft Access saves information under the following file formats :. There are no Access versions between 2. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Database manager part of the Microsoft Office package. Microsoft Office Access running on Windows Office Beta Channel See also: Web form.

Main article: Upsizing database. The Verge. Retrieved October 5, PC Mag. Ziff Davis, Inc. Retrieved May 23, Retrieved October 15, Retrieved March 13, Retrieved January 2, November 14, September 4, July 31, October 16, November 20, November 4, July 13, Advanced SystemCare Free. WinRAR bit. VLC Media Player.

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By the way, have you tried some other tests about this issue? Also, you could try to forward this message and edit this email message in the HTML format to see if you could see those images.

I have updated Outlook to the newest version, unfortunately without success, the same situation. I can't see pictures in some newsletters. I tested all options which I can found in the internet regarding to the showing pictures in emails. I checked that when I try to forward this newsletter, still can't see pictures. I found a strange situation, when I clik forward email I can save it in draft folder. When I check this email saved in draft folder, the all images are showing correctly.

I moved it to the inbox folder, can still see all pictures but when I sent this email I check in outbox folder About WDP files. I want to share some informations about Outlook which is one of the aplication of Office Pro Plus. Office Pro Plus comes in two versions: 1. Volume licenced version of Office - the newest version build Retail version of Office C2R - the newest version build Do sounds weird, When I check this email saved in draft folder, the all images are showing correctly.

I moved it to the inbox folder, can still see all pictures but when I sent this email I check in outbox folder. There I can't see pictures. Tried a lot of search but have not got any similar issues. I noticed that you mentioned the same email can work fine in Retail version of Office C2R while have issues in Volume licensed version of Office Since I do not have the same newsletters emails as yours, I could not do the same tests in my Outlook to reproduce your issue.

According to your description, Outlook versions might indeed one of the possible causes. However, strictly, we could not completely rule out whether it is any specific windows settings that causes the Volume licensed client issue.

If possible, maybe you could try to check the same email image on other Volume licensed version of Office on other devices and see if there is any difference. By the way, considering we have already tried so much settings and have not found much more helpful information yet, as a temporary workaround, maybe you could try to revert to an earlier version of Office.

I would keep trying to do more researches about your issue, if I got any updates, I would post back here.

Hi Tomek, Just checking in to see if you have any further updates on this issue, please feel free to post back. It's really weird I tested these newsletter emails on other PC with the same version of Outlook volume licensed , the same problem, can't see images in email. As I mentioned in my first post, I tested on the earlier version of Outlook - from march 10 - With this version all newsletters emails look fine. If You could give me your email address, I can send you one of that email I checked the Release notes of this time range but seems have not found related changes about that.

I can save one of these newsletter email. If You would like to see and test it? I have a no idea what can do with this issue I have the same Outlook issue you describe In some cases, you have to reinstall Microsoft Outlook and Recovery Toolbox for Outlook because some components that are in use must be updated, but they cannot be released without reinstallation.

Try to recover your data to separate files, it may help. Make sure you have enough free space on your storage drive to save recovered data.

Do not try to save the file with results under the same name as that of the damaged file. If it does not help, what can I do next? You should send the log file of the program to our support service.

I can't send the log file because it is too large 42 MB. It will become smaller after that. How to make a new PST file the default file in Outlook? How to import messages saved as.

I've saved calendar by use Recovery Toolbox for Outlook program. The saved appointments is not available in Microsoft Outlook.

I've saved contacts by use Recovery Toolbox for Outlook program. The saved contacts is not available in Microsoft Outlook. After processing the file for long time the resulting PST file was pretty much empty. Please advise. It is free trial. And upload all files on www. When I import data into Outlook, I get an error message: This Personal Folders file pst is already in use with this profile.

How to fix this error? I'm trying to recover a Microsoft Outlook data file. Your tool initially finds 40, objects, but the recovered pst file contains 40, objects according to the program report.

What happened to the missing objects? Microsoft Outlook data files contain main objects messages, contacts, notes, reminders, attached files and others and service objects that are not shown to the user.

While writing the recovered data to the new. Whenever I try to import that recovered data, I get a message saying the pst file is not compatible with this version. You performed the recovery operation at another computer or where another version of Outlook is installed. Our software uses Outlook components to compile the structure of a new PST file s. Can your software recover old Outlook files that were on an old hard drive that crashed? Cases differ. Our software requires that the damaged file is fully readable so if you can copy the file to a normal, not crashed hard drive, our software will probably help you.

Please download our software and try it for free. If it can help in your case, you can purchase it to disable the trial limitations. When recovering deleted objects from a PST file using Recovery Toolbox for Outlook, some emails end up lacking some of their content.

Every object saved by Outlook to a file is stored in several blocks of up to bytes. When a message is deleted, these blocks are not deleted and remain in the file.

However, when new emails are sent or received, these blocks may be overwritten. As a result, the deleted email can be recovered only partially, for example:. Recovery Toolbox for Outlook does everything possible to recover deleted data. If an object's data blocks are overwritten by Outlook, the object will be recovered only partially. How to repair Exchange Server mailboxes? There will also be.

You can try recovering. This tool converts individual mailboxes to. How to convert ost to pst file? With it, you can convert an.

Recovery Toolbox for Outlook, however, has a demo mode that lets you convert five objects per folder. What versions and types of. Why size of result pst file smaller than size of source. The size of the converted. If you do not make archives and do not start Cleanup Tool regularly for the original Offline Storage Folders, then the. If the computer has Microsoft Outlook or higher installed, the size of the resulting.

If you use MS Outlook , the size of the resulting file will be limited to 2Gb. In this case, Recovery Toolbox for Outlook will create several.

How export data from. The software converts and saves all data from. How do you import. Only after that is it possible to transfer the contents of an.

If the Exchange Server or Windows Domain Controller isn't accessible or doesn't work, or if the user can't be authenticated, access to the data will be denied and Outlook won't open the. How do you import data from an. The original. How to fix the issue: 0xF: Outlook data file cannot be accessed. Last, you should replace the damaged file to a recovered one or merely add the recovered file to the list of data files in Outlook.

On the second page, the customer can view and select the recovered objects that are to be saved emails, contacts, appointments and so on :. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.

Outlook repair instructions If the update to Outlook caused mailbox issues, such as Outlook stopped sending and receiving email. The problem could be caused by: too large of a mailbox, update issues, a virus could be attached to an email and new Outlook could not process the file, HDD bad sectors, incompatibility of user settings, or other reasons.

What should you do to fix the issue? The analysis revealed the types of data that are not carried over to the PST file after OST file conversion: old versions of messages, contacts, files and other objects removed objects blocks of data from earlier versions of messages, contacts, files and other objects.

It is impossible to use these blocks to fully recreate the original object, which is why they can be treated as junk. Note: it is recommended to backtrack the changed options after the export of the recovered data in Microsoft Excel has been completed. Converting huge OST files to PST files Once all necessary components have been installed, run Recovery Toolbox for Outlook and perform the following actions: choose the OST file you need to convert on the program's first screen choose Convert on next page of Conversion Wizard choose the emails, contacts, and other information you want to transfer from the OST to the PST file choose the option to save as a PST file type or select a folder to use to save the data on the disk The process of reading the OST file and then exporting it to PST takes a significant amount of time.

Note: When you install Microsoft Office or Microsoft Outlook, the bit version is installed by default. Answer: To recover a very large Microsoft Outlook PST file more than 4 GB , you'll need to have Recovery Toolbox for Outlook installed on your computer, as well as the following: Microsoft Outlook bit Microsoft Windows bit If this software is installed, Recovery Toolbox for Outlook won't be limited to the size of operating data that bit systems have.

Answer: Instructions on how to install the bit version of Microsoft Outlook To install Microsoft Outlook bit, be sure you have the bit version of Microsoft Windows installed Open the Microsoft Outlook install disc in Windows Explorer Open the Office folder Run the program setup Browse to System and Security then click on System icon.

In the left panel click on link Advanced system settings. You should now see the System Properties Window. Please select Advanced tab.

You should see three sections. The top section is labeled Performance and has a Settings button. Click this button. Select the Data Execution Prevention tab.


- Troubleshooting Outlook issues

  Type Outlook /safe, in the Search programs and files and then click OK. Close and re-open Outlook. If the issue is resolved, you can keep working, or if you have time, take the following steps to find out what COM Add-in is causing the problem. Open the File menu, click Options, then click Add-ins. Select COM Add-ins and click Go. Microsoft Q&A is the best place to get answers to all your technical questions on Microsoft products and services. Community. Forum. If you have any update about this issue, please feel free to post back. I have the same Outlook issue you describe any email that contains an image that is a ".wdp" file will not show in the email. Outlook lets you focus on what’s important with a clear view of email, calendars, and contacts Outlook for Windows Microsoft Corporation. Productivity | (6) Get in Store app. Description. Outlook lets you focus on what’s important with a clear view of email, calendars, and contacts.    


Outlook - issue with pictures in emails (some newsletters) - Microsoft Q&A.Outlook and Folder issue - Microsoft Q&A


In a software, of course, has a keyboard shortcut that has been provided by each developer, as well as Microsoft Outlook. It aims to make it easier for users to operate the related software quickly and practically.

If the user has never used a keyboard shortcut shortcut before in Microsoft Outlook. I highly recommend users to study them, even if only a few. That way you can feel how fast to operate the software with the help of shortcuts. Here are some basic shortcuts found in Microsoft Outlook. For the rest, you can find it on google search. With this software, your daily routine will not be missed, and make you more productive at work.

Yes, Microsoft has provided a free version of Outlook for users. On a note, the features provided by the free version are limited. Outlook is a personal information manager application made by Microsoft.

This application is usually used to send, receive or read email. The difference is, that Gmail is an email service provider, which provides sending and receiving emails. Outlook on the other hand is an email client that uses the services of all email service providers. Hopefully, the above information can be useful for all.

Share this article on your social media networks to make it more useful. If you have any questions regarding the above review, please write in the comments column below. Thank You!! It is highly recommended to look at other information to further strengthen the data as reference material and further knowledge. To get the Microsoft Outlook installer file, you just need to click the download link below. Compose and Send a New Message or Email 2. Email Confirmation 3. Organizing Incoming Email 4.

Some newsletters which I get don't show pictures, for example from Aliexpress. I tried to resolve this issue using all informations which are available in the internet, unfortunately without success. I add an attachment how it looks like in temp folder. I have got the newest version of Outlook I tested this version of Outlook under Windows 10 on two different PC, the same problem. Any suggestions? Attachments: Up to 10 attachments including images can be used with a maximum of 3.

Does this issue only happen to the pictures in newsletters emails? Can those pictures sent from other users be displayed normally? As I know, in Outlook, we can control whether Outlook automatically downloads and displays pictures when you open an HTML email message.

Please try to uncheck the options like below and restart your Outlook to see if the issue has any difference. If an Answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it. Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread. Yes, I have this option unchecked in Outlook's stettings. You can see it on picture which I attached in my first post.

Tried some research but have not found much useful information about the Plik WDP file type you mentioned. According to your description, seems this issue might be a version-related issue though it could work fine for all other newsletter images. I noticed that Outlook has a newer version Version Build By the way, have you tried some other tests about this issue? Also, you could try to forward this message and edit this email message in the HTML format to see if you could see those images.

I have updated Outlook to the newest version, unfortunately without success, the same situation. I can't see pictures in some newsletters.

I tested all options which I can found in the internet regarding to the showing pictures in emails. I checked that when I try to forward this newsletter, still can't see pictures. Download the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant to help fix the startup problems.

Can't send or receive email from Outlook? Download the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant to let us fix the problem for you. Having trouble connecting to your email from Outlook on your desktop? Download the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant to diagnose and fix errors in your Outlook mail profile that might be causing the issue.

For more information and to install the tool, see: About the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant. Additional resources: Office Support Corner : These videos are created by Microsoft support engineers to help you learn more about Microsoft , and are focused on support trends and top how-to questions and issues.

Then, each item in your calendar folder is checked for known problems that can cause unexpected behavior, such as meetings that seem to be missing. Need more help? Join the discussion.

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